The profession of truck driving is one of the unhealthiest in today’s working class. The work is sedentary, the hours are long and the locations are typically inconvenient for those who want to embark on a healthy lifestyle.

The health structure and routine of the average healthy American is illogical and unavailable for truck drivers. Most people hit the gym and cook health-conscious meals at home in order to stay fit, but truck drivers don’t have that luxury. Only 8% of truck drivers exercise regularly, compared to 49% of the general population. Affordable dining on the road is almost always high in calories, fried and filled with preservatives.

86% of the estimated 3.2 million truck drivers who are working today in the U.S. are overweight or obese. In 2007, 12% of truck driver accidents that were caused by driver error occurred because the driver was experiencing a health problem.

Brett Blowers, director of marketing and development for the Healthy Trucking Association of America conducted a blood pressure screening of more than 2,000 drivers and sent 21 of them directly to the emergency room. One of them had a heart attack on the way there.

Multiple programs are popping up that are attempting to tackle the truck driver health problem. Lindora Clinic recently launched their “Lean for Life On-the-Road” exercise and nutrition program for the trucking community. Travel Centers of America/Petro has built locations that are equipped with fitness rooms, walking trails and healthier food available at their stops.

Regular health visits are difficult for drivers to maintain because of their long hours and ever-changing schedule. However, trucking companies that require regular doctor visits are not only seeing healthier employees, but are also saving money. Trucks Inc. has saved $250,000 in medical insurance costs since mandating annual physicals rather than biannual physicals.

Organizations like the Trucking Solutions Group and Healthy Trucking Association of America are working with diet and exercise programs and truck stop businesses, and are taking steps to promote a healthier lifestyle among the trucking community.

If you are involved in a truck accident in the state of Texas it is important to contact an experienced and knowledgable truck accident attorney in your area to legally represent you.  Parker McDonald is a Dallas personal injury law firm with some of the most successful truck accident attorneys in the state of Texas.  Contact for a free legal consultation.