The family of deceased Denise Polinchak can finally have some closure in their case against the man that killed her.
Robert Wickham, 56, was convicted on charges of homicide by motor vehicle, two counts of driving under the influence and additional summary. He will be in a state prison for four to eight years.
The incident occurred in March of 2011 when Polinchak was having her car towed because of issues she was having with her brakes. While Wickham was sitting in the driver’s seat of Polinchak’s car with the door open, the car accelerated striking Polinchak with the open door and knocking her to the pavement. Polinchak would eventually die hours later at the Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center. It was determined by prosecution that Wickham had consumed three 24-ounce cans of beer before he was dispatched by his employer.
Denise Polinchak’s death was unexpected, unwarranted, and at the hands of negligent actions. The pain it undoubtedly brought her family cannot be explained to anyone unless they have been misfortunate enough to go through it themselves. The recovery process can be long and painful, and though a specialized attorney cannot bring people such as Denise Polinchak back, but an experienced injury lawyer in the Dallas area can make sure that you are taken care of legally and financially. Get in touch with a personal injury/ wrongful death attorney to help you with these troubling times.